Інформація про небезпечну (нехарчову) продукцію

Дитячі товари

Рівень загрози : High
Номер та дата оповіщення : 2024/15 (20.04.2024)
Вид продукції Childcare articles and children's equipment
Найменування продукту Soother holder Silicone Soother Clip
Номер моделі E2048 - PINK, E2049 - BLUE, E2059 - GREY
Опис продукції та упаковки Baby soother holder available in the colours pink, blue and grey. Product sold online.
Країна походження People's Republic of China
Тип та характер ризику The product has small detachable parts (beads), which the child can easily access, put in the mouth and choke on. The product does not comply with the requirements of the General Product Safety Directive nor with the European standard EN 12586.
Рівень загрози : High
Номер та дата оповіщення : 2024/13 (20.04.2024)
Вид продукції Childcare articles and children's equipment
Найменування продукту Soother holder Lion Dummy Clip Pack of 2 Dummy Chain 360 Degrees Dummy Holder Safari of Angels Dummy Clip
Номер моделі X001J60PE3
Опис продукції та упаковки Baby soother holder. Product sold online, in particular via Amazon (ASIN: BO7T511QF1).
Країна походження Unknown
Тип та характер ризику The product contains easily detachable small parts that a child can put in their mouth and choke on. Moreover, the garment fastener and attached lion head component of the soother holder contain no ventilation holes. A child can put this component into their mouth and as there would not be enough air to pass around it, the child may choke. The soother holder has also a long string which can cause a strangulation risk. The product does not comply with the requirements of the General Product Safety Directive nor with the European standards EN 12586 and EN 71-1.
Рівень загрози : High
Номер та дата оповіщення : 2024/13 (20.04.2024)
Вид продукції Childcare articles and children's equipment
Найменування продукту Soother Sucette pour bebe
Номер моделі BB068/14-02
Опис продукції та упаковки Soother in the shape of red lips with white teeth, transparent teat. Product sold online, in particular via Amazon (unique identifier: B09G961CZ3).
Країна походження People's Republic of China
Тип та характер ризику The soother releases an excessive amount of bisphenol A (measured value: 0.38 mg/kg). Bisphenol A has endocrine disrupting properties and affects the mammary glands, reproductive and immune systems and may impair brain's development and the behaviour. This product does not comply with the requirements of the General Product Safety Directive.
Рівень загрози : High
Номер та дата оповіщення : 2024/13 (20.04.2024)
Вид продукції Childcare articles and children's equipment
Найменування продукту Playpen Little Toby Grondbox Baby – Speelbox Inklapbaar – Kinderbox Grijs
Номер моделі Playpen NL-PP
Опис продукції та упаковки Plastic playpen with play equipment. The product is sold online.
Країна походження People's Republic of China
Тип та характер ризику The presence of holes in the panels may allow children to climb on the top of the fence and fall over the edge, leading to a risk of injury. Clothes or objects, especially those attached to cords, can be caught in protruding parts of the product, increasing the risk of strangulation. The product does not comply with the requirements of the General Product Safety Directive nor with the European standards EN 12227 and EN 1930.
Рівень загрози : High
Номер та дата оповіщення : 2024/12 (20.04.2024)
Вид продукції Childcare articles and children's equipment
Найменування продукту Baby soother holder Love Baby Blue Soother Clip
Номер моделі Unknown
Опис продукції та упаковки Baby soother holder. Product sold online.
Країна походження Ireland
Тип та характер ризику The product has protruding detachable parts without any ventilation holes, which the child can easily access, put in the mouth and choke on. In addition, the soother holder is too long and may lead to strangulation of a child. The product does not comply with the requirements of the General Product Safety Directive nor with the European standard EN 12586.
Рівень загрози : High
Номер та дата оповіщення : 2024/12 (20.04.2024)
Вид продукції Childcare articles and children's equipment
Найменування продукту Baby soother holder Personalised Baby Dummy Soother Pacifier Wooden Clip Holder Strap Chain Gift MAM (Name on eBay)
Номер моделі Unknown
Опис продукції та упаковки Baby soother holder product. Product sold online, in particular via eBay (Identification number: 183089683273).
Країна походження Unknown
Тип та характер ризику The product has small detachable parts (beads and poppers), which the child can easily access, put in the mouth and choke on. In addition, the soother holder is too long and may lead to strangulation of a child. The product does not comply with the requirements of the General Product Safety Directive and the Toy Safety Directive, nor with the European standards EN 12586 and EN 71-1.
Рівень загрози : High
Номер та дата оповіщення : 2024/9 (02.03.2024)
Вид продукції Childcare articles and children's equipment
Найменування продукту Soother Bebe Enfants Garcon Fille Cadeau Chat Dummy Sucette Sucette Outil de Mamelon
Номер моделі YZBB045-A / 30G2345
Опис продукції та упаковки Soother, moulded as a single part, made of flexible brown plastic, mouth guard in the shape of a cat. Product sold online, in particular via eBay (unique identifier: 195587847961)
Країна походження People's Republic of China
Тип та характер ризику The soother releases bisphenol A. Bisphenol A has endocrine disrupting properties and affects the mammary glands, reproductive and immune systems and may impair brain's development and the behaviour. This product does not comply with the requirements of the General Product Safety Directive.
Рівень загрози : High
Номер та дата оповіщення : 2024/9 (02.03.2024)
Вид продукції Childcare articles and children's equipment
Найменування продукту Plastic playpen Baby Play Fence
Номер моделі K2402F
Опис продукції та упаковки Plastic playpen with foldable blue and yellow panels. The product is sold online.
Країна походження People's Republic of China
Тип та характер ризику The presence of holes in the panels may allow children to climb on the top of the fence and fall over the edge, leading to a risk of injury.Clothes or objects, especially those attached to cords, can be caught in protruding parts of the product, increasing the risk of strangulation. The product does not comply with the requirements of the General Product Safety Directive nor with the European standards EN 12227 and EN 1930.
Рівень загрози : High
Номер та дата оповіщення : 2024/8 (02.03.2024)
Вид продукції Childcare articles and children's equipment
Найменування продукту Head support strap Head Support Strap
Опис продукції та упаковки Head support strap used as an accessory to support an infant's head in a car seat. The head support straps are available in three different colours (pink, blue and grey).
Країна походження Turkiye
Тип та характер ризику Due to the form of the head support, this can slip down and cover the nose and mouth of the child, which will not be able to breathe. This can also cause injuries to the child in the case of an accident. The product does not comply with the requirements of the General Product Safety Directive.
Рівень загрози : High
Номер та дата оповіщення : 2024/7 (02.03.2024)
Вид продукції Childcare articles and children's equipment
Найменування продукту Soother Tetine en Silicone pour nouveau-ne, tetine en forme de cercle pour enfant en bas age
Опис продукції та упаковки Baby’s dummy such with orange mouth guard representing a flower, brown teat. This product is sold online, in particular via AliExpress (identifier : 1005003716829266)
Країна походження People's Republic of China
Тип та характер ризику The soother releases an excessive amount of bisphenol A (measured value: 0.62 mg/kg.) Bisphenol A has endocrine disrupting properties and affects the mammary glands, reproductive and immune systems and may impair brain's development and the behavior. This product does not comply with the requirements of the General Product Safety Directive.